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Европейска класификация зa Умениятa, Компетенцииocтите, Квалификации и Професиите (ESCO)
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Оператори на земекопни съоръжения и сродни на тях

Concept overview




Earthmoving and related plant operators operate machines to excavate, grade, level, smooth and compact earth or similar materials.
Tasks include -
(a) operating and monitoring excavating machinery equipped with moveable shovels, grab-buckets or dragline buckets, to excavate and move earth, rock, sand, gravel or similar materials;
(b) operating and monitoring machinery for digging trenches for sewers, drainage, water, oil, gas or similar pipelines;
(c) operating and monitoring machinery equipped with concave steel blades to move, distribute and level earth, sand, snow and other materials;
(d) operating and monitoring equipment to remove sand, gravel and mud from bottom of body of water;
(e) operating and monitoring machines for hammering wooden, concrete or steel piles into ground;
(f) operating and monitoring power rollers to compact and smooth layers of materials in making roads and pavements, and similar work;
(g) operating and monitoring machines which spread and smooth concrete or bituminous or tar preparations to construct roadways, roads or similar surfaces.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Bulldozer operator
- Excavator operator
- Front-end loader operator
- Pile-driver operator
- Road-roller operator
- Road surface laying machine operator
- Snow-groomer operator

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