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Европейска класификация зa Умениятa, Компетенцииocтите, Квалификации и Професиите (ESCO)
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Concept overview




Freight handlers carry out tasks such as packing, carrying, loading and unloading furniture and other household items, or loading and unloading ship and aircraft cargo and other freight, or carrying and stacking goods in various warehouses.
Tasks include -
(a) packing office or household furniture, machines, appliances and related goods to be transported from one place to another;
(b) carrying goods to be loaded on or unloaded from vans, trucks, wagons, ships or aircraft;
(c) loading and unloading grain, coal, sand, baggage and other items by placing them on conveyor belts, pipes and other conveyances;
(d) connecting hoses between mainshore installation pipes and tanks of barges, tankers and other ships to load and unload petroleum, liquefied gases and other liquids;
(e) carrying and stacking goods in warehouses and similar establishments;
(f) sorting cargo prior to loading and unloading.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Baggage handler
- Freight handler
- Warehouse porter
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Crane operator - 8343
- Forklift operator - 8344
- Hotel porter - 9621
- Luggage porter - 9621

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