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Fischer, Jäger und Fallensteller





Fishery workers, hunters and trappers breed and raise fish, harvest and catch fish, and hunt and trap animals, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organizations or at markets.
Tasks performed usually include: breeding, raising and cultivating fish, mussels, oysters and other forms of aquatic life as cash crops or for release into freshwater or saltwater; monitoring environments to ensure maintenance of optimum conditions for aquatic life; cleaning, freezing, icing or salting catch on- or offshore, and preparing fish and other products for shipment; renting or investing in and maintaining buildings, tanks, machinery, fishing vessels and other equipment; preparing and repairing nets and other fishing gear and equipment; operating fishing vessels to, from and at fishing grounds; baiting, setting, operating and hauling in fishing gear; setting traps to catch mammals, birds or reptiles; delivering or marketing products; supervising and training other workers.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
6221 Aquaculture Workers
6222 Inland and Coastal Waters Fishery Workers
6223 Deep-sea Fishery Workers
6224 Hunters and Trappers

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