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Towards a shared infrastructure for online job advertisement data

Ontology management
Artificial intelligence & machine learning
Research papers
External Publications

Authors: Pascaline Descy, Vladimir Kvetan, Albrecht Wirthmann, and Fernando Reis


The front page of the external publication in case repeating its title and authors: Towards a shared infrastructure for online job advertisement data

Abstract: Following the increasing penetration of the internet, the number of websites that advertise jobs is growing. The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the ESSnet Big Data have engaged in parallel projects to assess the feasibility of using online job advertisements (OJA) for labour market analysis and job vacancy statistics. After an initial feasibility study finalised in 2016, Cedefop is developing a Pan-EU system providing information on skills demand present in OJA, which will be operational by 2020. The ESSnet has focussed on statistics that can be derived from OJA and entered into a second phase in November 2018 aiming at creating the conditions for a larger scale implementation of the use of OJA in official statistics. This paper builds on experiences gathered in both projects and identifies opportunities and limitations of using OJA for the above-mentioned purposes. In addition, it discusses the feasibility of creating a joint system for processing and analysing OJA data based on discussions that have taken place in the past two years between Cedefop and the ESSnet Big Data on both projects. In this respect, this paper outlines a possible partnership between Cedefop and the European Statistical System to create and manage a unique source of OJA data that would serve multiple uses in the domain of labour market analysis and official statistics. It presents potential types of (statistical) data and variables based on the information contained in OJAs at European, national and regional levels. Data limitations linked to OJAs nature and specificities will be stressed, too. The paper concludes that there is high potential for combining institutional efforts and creating a joint data collection and processing system on OJA and intends to feed a discussion on the feasibility and the implications of creating a European system for OJA, which can serve European and national needs.


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This article contributes to the broader collection of external ESCO publications, showcasing the use of ESCO within various methodologies or its presentation in both European and International contexts. As ESCO becomes increasingly used in applications and research projects across Europe and beyond, it is valuable to collect such sources and share best practices by diverse stakeholders. Therefore, this collection of external publications strengthens the exchange of knowledge within the ESCO community and can contribute to mutual learning in the field of skills, occupations and qualifications among European and international actors. If you are interested in sharing your publication, please write to