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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO)
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Woodworking-machine tool setters and operators

Concept overview




Woodworking machine tool setters and operators set-up, operate and monitor automatic or semi-automatic woodworking machines such as precision sawing, shaping, planing, boring, turning and woodcarving machines to fabricate or repair wooden parts for furniture, fixtures and other wooden products.
Tasks include -
(a) setting up, programming, operating and monitoring several types of woodworking machines for sawing, shaping, boring, drilling, planing, pressing, turning, sanding or carving to fabricate or repair wooden parts for furniture, fixtures and other wooden products;
(b) operating preset special-purpose woodworking machines to fabricate wooden products such as coat hangers, mop handles, clothespins and other products;
(c) selecting knives, saws, blades, cutter heads, cams, bits or belts according to work piece, machine functions and product specifications;
(d) installing and adjusting blades, cutter heads, boring-bits and sanding-belts, and using hand tools and rules;
(e) setting and adjusting various kinds of woodworking machines for operation by others;
(f) reading and interpreting specifications or following verbal instructions.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Carving machine operator (wood)
- Furniture production machine operator
- Precision woodworking sawyer
- Wood products machine operator
- Wood turner
- Woodworking lathe operator
- Woodworking machine setter
- Woodworking machine setter-operator
- Woodworking machine set-up operator
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Wood and related products assemblers - 8219

Concept status