Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
specialist chiropractor
Concept overview
Specialist chiropractors have an advanced knowledge and understanding in a specific chiropractic area, acquiring complex decision making skills and clinical competency within the scope of the chiropractic profession. Specialist chiropractors may have undertaken an advanced course of studies to acquire the necessary skills and competency and qualification. Specialist chiropractors may be found in different specific fields such as education, functional neurology, orthopaedics, paediatrics, research, radiology, sport.
Alternative Labels
licensed specialised chiropractor
specialised chiropractor
specialised etiopath
specialised musculoskeletal therapist
specialised neuromusculoskeletal therapist
specialised osteopath
Regulatory Aspect
To see if and how this occupation is regulated in EU Member States, EEA countries or Switzerland please consult the Regulated Professions Database of the Commission. Regulated Professions Database:
Skills & Competences
Essential Skills and Competences
Essential Knowledge
Optional Skills and Competences
Optional Knowledge
Skills & Competences
Concept status