Hierarchy view
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making production moulds and casts
Concept overview
Constructing moulds for the manufacture of objects in various materials, and making casts by filling moulds with liquid materials for solidification.
Scope note
Excludes: - Operation of automated assembly equipment or machines - Pouring of concrete for construction of buildings Examples: - Modify casts for prostheses - Mould chocolate - Cast jewellery metal - Prevent casting adhesion
Broader concepts
Narrower skills
use moulding techniques
select mould types
construct moulds
ensure mould uniformity
create vacuum forming mould
prepare assembled moulds for finishing
remove finished casts
handle different pottery materials
mould chocolate
move filled moulds
operate patternmaking machinery
modify lifecasts
create master models
insert reinforcement in mould
determine colour shades
cast metal
provide pouring holes in moulds
prevent casting adhesion
attend to detail in casting processes
repair mould defects
pour molten metal into moulds
match product moulds
cast jewellery metal
construct cores
fill moulds
construct coquilles
maintain moulds
Concept status