Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Ruby (computer programming)
Concept overview
The techniques and principles of software development, such as analysis, algorithms, coding, testing and compiling of programming paradigms in Ruby.
Alternative Labels
Skill type
Skill reusability level
sector specific skills and competences
Broader concepts
Essential for
Optional for
computer numerical control machine operator
data warehouse designer
telecommunications engineer
ICT network administrator
software tester
software architect
application engineer
user interface designer
3D modeller
mobile application developer
ICT application configurator
ICT network engineer
ICT system developer
web developer
telecommunications engineering technician
industrial mobile devices software developer
system configurator
ICT security technician
database developer
digital media designer
computer hardware engineer
database designer
digital games designer
ICT system analyst
ICT application developer
knowledge engineer
digital games developer
artificial intelligence engineer
software analyst
cloud engineer
ICT technician
ICT system architect
software developer
computer hardware engineering technician
integration engineer
embedded system designer
chief technology officer
embedded systems software developer
enterprise architect
user interface developer
electrical engineer
mobile devices technician
chief information officer
use scripting programming
Concept status