Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
gathering information from physical or electronic sources
Concept overview
Collecting, compiling or gathering information from digital, paper or other sources.
Scope note
Examples: - collect customer data - gather reference materials - obtain financial information Excludes: - Skills in the use of specific ICT tools to process data
Broader concepts
Narrower skills
record customers' personal data
gather reference materials for artwork
compile content
collect financial data
collect customer data
tabulate survey results
consult shipping rates
synthesise information
collect ICT data
evaluate social work program's impact
collect property financial information
handle touristic quantitative data
gather data for forensic purposes
compile data for navigation publications
gather information to substitute parts
use personality tests
collect data using GPS
synthesise research publications
collect mapping data
search historical sources in archives
gather feedback from employees
collect biological data
compile GIS-data
follow the news
read people
undertake employee screening
collect growth rate information
use dictionaries
collect tourist information
gather technical information
consult information sources
track shipments
collect healthcare user data under supervision
collect cyber defence data
gather reference materials
manage information sources
gather information on theme of the show
gather data
collect geological data
manage mine site data
log transmitter readings
collect statistics on medical records
handle data samples
collect client fitness information
collect real-time geolocation information
obtain financial information
obtain healthcare user's medical status information
preserve documentation about creative process
manage nutrients
read zoo reports
collect customer feedback on applications
collect healthcare user's general data
analyse large-scale data in healthcare
gather experimental data
Concept status