Hierarchy view
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Tehničari/tehničarke za rudarstvo, metalurgiju i srodna zanimanja
Concept overview
Mining and metallurgical technicians perform technical tasks to assist in research and experiments related to metallurgy, in improving methods of extracting solid minerals, oil and gas, and in the design, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of mines and mine installations, of systems for transporting and storing oil and natural gas, and for extraction of metals from ores.
Tasks include -
(a) providing technical assistance to aid in research on and development of processes to determine the properties of metals and new alloys;
(b) providing technical assistance in geological and topographical surveys and in the design and layout of oil, natural gas and mineral ore extraction and transportation systems, and processing and refining plants for minerals and metals;
(c) preparing detailed estimates of quantities and costs of materials and labour required for mineral, oil and natural gas exploration, extraction, processing and transport projects;
(d) monitoring technical, regulatory and safety aspects of the construction, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of mineral ore, oil and natural gas exploration, extraction, transport and storage installations and mineral processing plants;
(e) helping plan and design mines, mine shafts, tunnels and underground first-aid facilities;
(f) collecting and preparing rock, mineral and metal samples, performing laboratory tests to determine properties, analysing and reporting test results and maintaining testing equipment;
(g) using microscopes, electromagnetic irradiation machines, spectrometers, spectrographs, densitometers and tension testing machines;
(h) assisting scientists in the use of electrical, sonic, or nuclear measuring instruments in both laboratory and production activities to obtain data indicating potential sources of metallic ore, gas, or petroleum.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Metallurgical technician
- Mines inspector
- Mining engineering technician
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Geology technician - 3111
- Miner - 8111
- Mining plant operator - 8111
- Quarrier - 8111
Narrower occupations
Status koncepta
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