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Kapetani/kapetanice plovila, piloti/pilotkinje zrakoplova, kontrolori/kontrolorke zračnog prometa i srodna zanimanja





Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians command and navigate ships and aircraft; perform technical functions to ensure safe and efficient movement and operations; and develop electrical, electromechanical and computerized air control systems.
Tasks performed usually include: controlling the operation of mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment on board ship or on aircraft, commanding and navigating ships or aircraft, directing the movements of ships or aircraft and developing electrical, electromechanical and computerized air control systems.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
3151 Ships’ Engineers
3152 Ships’ Deck Officers and Pilots
3153 Aircraft Pilots and Related Associate Professionals
3154 Air Traffic Controllers
3155 Air Traffic Safety Electronics Technicians

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