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Europske vještine, kompetencije, kvalifikacije i zanimanja (ESCO)
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Ekonomisti/ekonomistice i voditelji/voditeljice dijelova računovodstva

Concept overview




Accounting associate professionals maintain complete records of financial transactions of an undertaking and verify accuracy of documents and records relating to such transactions.
Tasks include -
(a) maintaining complete records of all financial transactions of an undertaking according to general bookkeeping principles, with guidance from accountants;
(b) verifying accuracy of documents and records relating to payments, receipts and other financial transactions;
(c) preparing financial statements and reports for specified periods;
(d) applying knowledge of bookkeeping principles and practices in order to identify and solve problems arising in the course of their work;
(e) using standard computer software packages to perform accounting and related calculations;
(f) supervising the work of accounts and bookkeeping clerks.
Example of the occupations classified here:
- Accounting assistant
- Bookkeeper
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Accountant - 2411
- Actuarial assistant - 3314
- Bookkeeping clerk - 4311

Concept status