Hierarchy view
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Pet groomers and animal care workers
Concept overview
Pet groomers and animal care workers feed, handle, train and groom animals and assist veterinarians, animal health technologists and technicians in veterinary facilities, animal shelters, breeding and boarding kennels, zoos, laboratories, retail pet shops, riding schools, dog training schools, pet grooming and similar establishments.
Tasks include -
(a) bathing and feeding animals;
(b) leading or carrying animals to treatment rooms and holding them during treatment;
(c) cleaning and sterilizing veterinary surgical instruments;
(d) labelling drugs, chemicals and other pharmaceutical preparations and replenishing stock;
(e) sterilizing bottles, beakers and other equipment;
(f) cleaning, organizing and disinfecting animal quarters such as pens, stables, cages and yards, and animal equipment such as saddles and bridles;
(g) collecting and recording animal information such as weight, size, physical condition, treatments received, medications given and food intake;
(h) training animals to develop and maintain desired behaviours for competition, entertainment, obedience, security, riding and other activities;
(i) grooming animals by performing tasks such as washing, brushing, clipping and trimming coats, cutting nails and cleaning ears.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Animal attendant
- Dog trainer
- Horse breaker
- Veterinary aide
- Zoo keeper
Narrower occupations
Concept status