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Agenti delle tasse e delle imposte





Government tax and excise officials examine tax returns, bills of sale and other documents to determine the type and amount of taxes, duties and other types of fees to be paid by individuals or businesses, referring exceptional or important cases to accountants, senior government officials or managers.
Tasks include -
(a) advising organizations, enterprises and the public on government laws, rules and regulations concerning the determination and payment of taxes, duties and other government fees, and on the public’s rights and obligations;
(b) examining tax returns, bills of sale and other relevant documents to determine types and amounts of taxes, duties and other types of fees to be paid;
(c) investigating filed tax returns and accounting records, systems and internal controls of organizations to ensure compliance with taxation laws and regulations;
(d) performing related administrative tasks to document findings, maintain records and report on actions taken for cases.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Excise officer
- Taxation inspector
- Tax officer
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Accountant - 2411
- Auditor - 2411

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