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Vigili del fuoco



Firefighters prevent, fight and extinguish fires and assist in other emergencies, protect life and property and conduct rescue efforts.
Tasks include -
(a) responding to fire alarms and other calls for assistance, such as automobile and industrial accidents, bomb threats and other emergencies;
(b) controlling and extinguishing fires using manual and power equipment and firefighting chemicals;
(c) fighting special types of fires and using special equipment in industrial establishments;
(d) rescuing people from burning buildings and accident sites and those trapped in dangerous situations;
(e) preventing or limiting the spread of dangerous substances in case of fires or accidents;
(f) informing the public about fire prevention.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Firefighter
- Forest firefighter
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Fire inspector - 3112
- Fire prevention specialist - 3112
- Fire investigator - 3119


URI del concetto

