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Conduttori di macchinari per la fabbricazione di calzature ed assimilati



Shoemaking and related machine operators monitor and operate machines which produce and repair standard or special footwear, handbags and other accessories, mainly made of leather.
Tasks include -
(a) operating and monitoring machines which mark patterns and cut shoe parts;
(b) operating and monitoring machines which sew shoe parts together, or edge, polish, or apply ornaments and perform finishing tasks;
(c) operating and monitoring machines which produce luggage, handbags, belts and other accessories, as well as other items such as saddles, collars or harnesses.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Machine operator (footwear production)
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Handicraft worker (leather) - 7318
- Cobbler - 7536

URI del concetto

