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Eiropas prasmju/kompetenču, kvalifikāciju un profesiju klasifikācija (ESCO)
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Vecākie speciālisti tehnisko un medicīnas preču tirdzniecības jomā (izņemot IKT)

Concept overview




Technical and medical sales professionals (excluding ICT) represent companies in selling a range of industrial, medical and pharmaceutical goods and services to industrial, business, professional and other establishments.
Tasks include -
(a) compiling lists of prospective client businesses by using directories and other sources;
(b) acquiring and updating knowledge of employers’ and competitors’ goods and services, and of market conditions;
(c) visiting regular and prospective client businesses to establish and act on selling opportunities;
(d) assessing clients’ needs and resources and recommending appropriate goods or services;
(e) providing input to product design where goods or services must be tailored to suit clients’ needs;
(f) developing reports and proposals as part of sales presentations to demonstrate benefits from the use of goods or services;
(g) estimating costs of installing and maintaining equipment or service;
(h) monitoring customers’ changing needs and competitor activity, and reporting these developments to sales management;
(i) quoting and negotiating prices and credit terms, and preparing and administering sales contracts;
(j) arranging delivery of goods, installation of equipment and the provision of services;
(k) reporting to sales management on sales made and the marketability of goods and services;
(l) consulting with clients after sale to ensure a satisfactory resolution of any problems, and provide ongoing support.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Sales representative (industrial products)
- Sales representative (medical and pharmaceutical products)
- Technical sales representative
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Commercial sales representatives - 3322
- Sales representative (computers)
- Sales representative (communications technology)

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