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Eiropas prasmju/kompetenču, kvalifikāciju un profesiju klasifikācija (ESCO)
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Mūziķi, dziedātāji un komponisti

Concept overview




Musicians, singers and composers write, arrange, conduct and perform musical compositions.
Tasks include -
(a) creating melodic, harmonic and rhythmic structures to express ideas and emotions in musical form;
(b) translating ideas and concepts into standard musical signs and symbols for reproduction and performance;
(c) adapting or arranging music for particular instrumental or vocal groups, instruments or occasions;
(d) conducting instrumental or vocal groups;
(e) selecting music for performances and assigning instrumental parts to musicians;
(f) playing one or more musical instruments as a soloist or as a member of an orchestra or a musical group;
(g) singing as a soloist or as a member of a vocal group or other band;
(h) practising and rehearsing to maintain a high standard of performance.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Band leader
- Composer
- Instrumentalist
- Music conductor
- Night club musician
- Night club singer
- Orchestrator
- Singer
- Street musician
- Street singer

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