Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Diretturi u produtturi tal-films, palk u oħrajn li għandhom x’jaqsmu ma’ dan
Concept overview
Film, stage and related directors and producers oversee and control the technical and artistic aspects of motion pictures, television or radio productions and stage shows.
Tasks include -
(a) choosing writers, studying scripts to determine artistic interpretation, and instructing actors on acting methods;
(b) directing all aspects of dramatic productions on stage, television, radio or in motion pictures, including choice of actors, and final decisions concerning costumes, set designs, sound or lighting effects;
(c) planning, organizing and controlling the various stages and scheduling involved in the production of presentations, motion pictures, television shows and radio programmes;
(d) engaging and supervising all technical personnel, and determining the treatment, scope and scheduling of production;
(e) maintaining production archives and negotiating royalties;
(f) creating, planning or writing scripts for recording, videotaping and editing programmes;
(g) supervising the positioning of scenery, props and lighting and sound equipment.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Documentary director
- Film editor
- Motion picture director
- Photography director
- Stage director
- Technical director
- Technical television or radio director
- Theatre producer
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- TV/radio news producer - 2642
- Broadcasting technician - 3521
- Lighting technician - 3521
- Sound technician - 3521
- Video technician - 3521
- Stage manager - 3435
Narrower occupations
Status ta’ kunċett
Il-kunċett tal-URI