Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Aġenti ta’ servizzi tan-negozju li mhumiex ikklassifikati x’imkien ieħor
Concept overview
This unit group covers business services agents not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 333: Business Services Agents. For instance, the group includes those who establish business contacts, sell business services such as advertising space in the media, arrange contracts for performances of athletes, entertainers and artists, for the publication of books, the production of plays, or the recording, performance and sale of music, sell property and goods by auction and who design and organize package and group tours.
In such cases tasks would include -
(a) obtaining information about services to be sold and needs of prospective buyers;
(b) negotiating contracts on behalf of seller or buyer and explaining terms of sale and payment to client;
(c) signing agreements on behalf of seller or buyer and ensuring that the contract is honoured;
(d) making sure that the business service purchased is made available to the buyer in the agreed format at the agreed time;
(e) selling by auction various kinds of property, cars, commodities, livestock, art, jewellery and other objects.
(f) organizing group tours for business or vacation travel and making bulk travel and accommodation bookings.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Advertising salesperson
- Auctioneer
- Literary agent
- Musical performance agent
- Sports agent
- Theatrical agent
- Tour operator
Narrower occupations
Concept status
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