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Klassifikazzjoni Ewropea ta’ ħiliet/kompetenzi, kwalifiki u impjiegi (ESCO)
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This concept is obsolete

Muntaturi ta’ magni mekkaniċi

Concept overview




Mechanical machinery assemblers assemble, according to procedures strictly laid down, component parts of mechanical machinery such as engines, motor vehicles, turbines and aircraft.
Tasks include -
(a) assembling and installing prefabricated parts or components to form subassemblies, mechanical machinery, engines and finished motor vehicles;
(b) reviewing work orders, specifications, diagrams and drawings to determine materials needed and assembly instructions;
(c) recording production and operational data on specified forms;
(d) inspecting and testing completed components and assemblies;
(e) rejecting faulty assemblies and components.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Aircraft assembler
- Bench fitter (trucks)
- Engine assembler
- Engine installer
- Gearbox assembler
- Turbine assembler
- Vehicle assembler
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Motor vehicle mechanic - 7231
- Electromechanical equipment assembler - 8212
- Bicycle assembler - 8219

Concept status
