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Klassifikazzjoni Ewropea ta’ ħiliet/kompetenzi, kwalifiki u impjiegi (ESCO)
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Concept overview


Food processing is the study of processing and packaging of food and beverages, and the equipment and procedures used in the production and distribution of foods.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
Beer brewing
Dairy foods
Food and drink processing
Food preservation
Food science and technology
Meat processing
Pastry cooking
Tobacco processing
Wine production

=== Inclusions
Study of food handling and food hygiene is included here.

=== Exclusions
Restaurant and catering are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 1013 'Hotel, restaurant and catering'.
Nutrition science is excluded from this detailed field and included in narrow field 051 'Biological and related sciences'.
0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood)
Materials is the study of the manufacturing of products in glass, paper, plastic, wood or other materials like stone, clay, artificial materials etc. Programmes and qualifications included in this detailed field have more to do with a specific material than general technical knowledge.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
Boat building (non-motor)
Cabinet making
Carpentry (furniture)
Ceramics (industrial)
Furniture making
Glass working (industrial)
Industrial diamond production
Paper manufacturing and processing
Plastic manufacturing
Rubber processing
Timber technology
Wood machining and turning
Woodwork trades

=== Exclusions
Study of metal work is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0715 'Mechanics and metal trades'.
Study of building carpentry and joinery is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0732 'Building and civil engineering'.
Study of chemical processing in general is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0711 'Chemical engineering and processes'.
Study of printing and bookbinding is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0211 'Audio-visual techniques and media production'.
Handicrafts programmes (glass arts and crafts, woodcarving etc) are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0214 'Handicrafts'.
0723 Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather)
Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather) is the study of the manufacture of textiles, textile and leather products, clothing and related items, shoes and other forms of footwear.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
Clothing trades
Footwear making
Fur making
Garment production
Leather processing
Skins and leather production
Textile trades
Weaving (industrial)
Wool science

=== Exclusions
Handicrafts studies (weaving, embroidery etc.) are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0214 'Handicrafts'.


Concept status

