Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Statistical, mathematical and related associate professionals
Concept overview
Statistical, mathematical and related associate professionals assist in planning the collection, processing and presentation of statistical, mathematical or actuarial data and in carrying out these operations, usually working under the guidance of statisticians, mathematicians and actuaries.
Tasks include -
(a) assisting in planning and performing statistical, mathematical, actuarial, and related calculations;
(b) preparing detailed estimates of quantities and costs of materials and labour required for statistical census and survey operations;
(c) performing technical tasks connected with establishing, maintaining and using registers and sampling frames for census and survey operations;
(d) performing technical tasks connected with data collection and quality control operations in censuses and surveys;
(e) using standard computer software packages to perform mathematical, actuarial, statistical, accounting and related calculations;
(f) preparing statistical, mathematical, actuarial, accounting and other results for presentation in graphical or tabular form;
(g) applying knowledge of statistical, mathematical, actuarial, accounting and related principles and practices in order to identify and solve problems arising in the course of their work;
(h) supervising the work of statistical clerks.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Actuarial assistant
- Mathematical assistant
- Statistical assistant
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Actuary - 2120
- Mathematician - 2120
- Statistician - 2120
- Accounting assistant - 3313
- Statistical clerk - 4312
Concept status
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