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Vânzători ambulanți și alți prestatori de mici servicii pentru populație





Street and related sales and services workers sell goods (excluding food) for immediate consumption, and provide a variety of services on streets and in other public places such as stations. Most occupations in this sub-major group require skills at the first ISCO skill level.
Tasks performed by workers in this sub-major group usually include: buying or making various items for sale; loading and unloading items for sale and transporting them; obtaining the materials necessary to perform services; approaching people on the street to offer goods or services; cleaning and polishing shoes; cleaning and polishing car windows; running errands; assisting car drivers to find a parking place and ensuring that the car is not damaged during the driver’s absence; handing out leaflets and free newspapers; receiving immediate payment.
Occupations in this sub-major group are classified into the following minor groups:
951 Street and Related Services Workers
952 Street Vendors (excluding Food)

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