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Európska klasifikácia zručností/kompetencií, kvalifikácií a povolaní (ESCO)
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Tvoriví a interpretační umelci

Concept overview




Creative and performing artists communicate ideas, impressions and facts in a wide range of media to achieve particular effects; interpret a composition such as a musical score or a script to perform or direct the performance; and host the presentation of such performance and other media events.
Tasks performed usually include: conceiving and creating visual art forms; conceiving and writing original music; devising, directing, rehearsing and performing in music, dance, theatrical and film productions; assuming creative, financial and organizational responsibilities in the production of television programmes, films, and stage presentations; studying script, play or book and preparing and rehearsing interpretation; selecting and introducing music, videos and other entertainment material for broadcast and making commercial and public service announcements.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
2651 Visual Artists
2652 Musicians, Singers and Composers
2653 Dancers and Choreographers
2654 Film, Stage and Related Directors and Producers
2655 Actors
2656 Announcers on Radio, Television and Other Media
2659 Creative and Performing Artists Not Elsewhere Classified

Concept status
