Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
književnost in jezikoslovje
Concept overview
Literature and linguistics is here defined as the study of language(s) intended for native, fluent or competent speakers of the language. It includes the study of related literature and linguistics and may or may not include the structure and composition of the language.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
Creative writing
First language
Indigenous languages
'Mother tongue' languages
Native first languages
=== Inclusions
Languages taught as the first language ('mother tongue'), even if the language is not the national language of the country of study (e.g. programmes for immigrants in their home or first language) are included here. Local and regional languages are included here if they are first languages spoken by a significant minority in the country and are intended for at least competent speakers of the language.
Study of comparative literature is included here. Study of general linguistics (not related to the study of a particular language) is included here. Study of literature in general (not combined with study of a special language) is included here.
=== Exclusions
Language programmes are excluded from this detailed field if the language is taught as a foreign or a second language, and are then included in 0231 'Language acquisition'.
Programmes in literacy and numeracy are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0021 'Literacy and numeracy'.
Sign language programmes are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0231 'Language acquisition'.
Širše spretnosti/kompetence
Narrower skills
Concept status
URI koncepta