Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
uriti mlade konje
Concept overview
Socializirati mlade konje (čiščenje, krtačenje, uzdanje, preverjanje nog itd.), in upoštevati varnost in dobro počutja konja ter učitelja.
Scope note
Tasks may include preparing the traits of the young horses and teaching them to move in hand and in bulk, presenting horses in hand, on horseback, and in harness riding on primary level and leading the harness; assisting in loading horses to a means of transport.
Vrsta spretnosti
Raven uporabnosti spretnosti
posebne spretnosti in kompetence za posamezne sektorje
Širše spretnosti/kompetence
Bistvena spretnost/kompetenca
Neobvezna spretnost/kompetenca –
Neobvezno znanje
Concept status