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Europeiska klassifikationen för kompetenser/färdigheter, kvalifikationer och yrken (ESCO)
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utveckling och analys av programvara och applikationer

Concept overview


Software and applications development and analysis is the study of the design and development of computer systems and computing environments.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
Computer programming
Computer science
Computer systems analysis
Computer systems design
Operating systems
Programming languages development
Software development
Software programming

=== Exclusions
Computer engineering (hardware) is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0714 'Electronics and automation'.
Programmes and qualifications in using computer applications are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0611 'Computer use'. Database and network design and administration is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0612 'Database and network design and administration'.


Concept status

