Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Менеджери з роздрібної та оптової торгівлі
Concept overview
Retail and wholesale trade managers plan, organize, coordinate and control the operations of establishments that sell goods on a retail or wholesale basis. They are responsible for the budgets, staffing and strategic and operational direction of shops, or of organizational units within shops that sell particular types of product.
Tasks performed usually include: determining product mix, stock levels and service standards; formulating and implementing purchasing and marketing policies, and setting prices; promoting and advertising the establishment's goods and services; maintaining records of stock levels and financial transactions; undertaking budgeting for the establishment; controlling selection, training and supervision of staff; ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety regulations.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit group:
1420 Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers
Retail and wholesale trade managers are frequently employed in relatively small establishments that do not have a hierarchy of managers. The managers of large retail establishments such as supermarkets and department stores, however, should also be classified in this group, although such establishments may have a hierarchy of managers and supervisors. General managers of groups of establishments such as supermarket or department store chains are classified, however, in Unit Group 1120: Managing Directors and Chief Executives.
Operators of small shops for whom the management and supervision of staff is not a significant component of the work are classified in Unit Group 5221: Shopkeepers.
Staff who control and direct the activities of shop sales assistants, checkout operators and other workers, but who do not take responsibility for determining product mix, overall setting of prices, budgets and staffing levels, selection and recruitment are classified in Unit Group 5222: Shop Supervisors.
Narrower ISCO groups
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