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Leveraging Artificial Intelligence To Maintain and Update The ESCO Occupations Pillar

Artificial intelligence & machine learning
Ontology management
Technical documentation
ESCO Publications

This document is part of internal ESCO publications designed to enhance stakeholders' understanding, use and development of ESCO. 

The front page of the internal publication in case repeating its title: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to maintain the ESCO Occupations Pillar

Maintenance of an occupations and skills taxonomy like ESCO is a challenging and labourintensive process. This process needs to ensure high quality content in the context of a constantly changing labour market.

While there exist numerous indicators reflecting the quality of the classification, among the most significant ones are those related to consistency. Two indicators in particular are the consistent allocation of occupations and skills with respect to the existing underlying hierarchy and the accuracy of relations across occupations and skills. In a series of news articles, we will focus on the occupations pillar of ESCO and outline how artificial intelligence (AI) assists in the process of maintaining ESCO.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence To Maintain The ESCO Occupations Pillar
(978.44 KB - PDF)
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence To Update The ESCO Occupations Pillar Report
(670.53 KB - PDF)