Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Dirigenti nei servizi alberghieri, nel commercio ed assimilati
Concept overview
Hospitality, retail and other services managers plan, organize and direct the operations of establishments which provide accommodation, hospitality, retail and other services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Tasks performed by workers in this sub-major group usually include: planning and organizing special functions, sporting, gaming and entertainment activities and the range and mix of products, stock levels and service standards; promoting and selling goods and services; observing liquor, gaming, health and other laws and regulations; developing and reviewing policies, programmes and procedures concerning customer relations and goods and services provided; promoting facilities for conferences, conventions and trade shows to potential customers; organizing the purchase and maintenance of transport vehicles, equipment and fuel, and transporting goods; controlling the selection, training and supervision of staff; ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety regulations.
Occupations in this sub-major group are classified into the following minor groups:
141 Hotel and Restaurant Managers
142 Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers
143 Other Services Managers
Sub-major Group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers is for managers of establishments that provide services directly to the public, usually in organizations that are too small to have hierarchies of managers. Managers responsible for planning, directing and coordinating the provision of specialized professional and technical services that usually require specialized qualifications are classified in various unit groups in Sub-major Groups 12: Administrative and Commercial Managers and 13: Production and Specialized Services Managers.
Operators of small shops, guest houses, cafés, restaurants and bars for whom the management and supervision of staff is not a significant component of the work are classified in the relevant unit group in Sub-major Groups 51: Personal Services Workers or 52: Sales Workers, depending on the main tasks performed.
Gruppi ISCO più ristretti
Concept status
URI del concetto