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Classificazione europea di abilità/competenze, qualifiche e occupazioni (ESCO)

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About Europass

In April 2018 the EU adopted a proposal for the revision of the Europass framework with the goals of simplifying and modernising its tools and services and making Europass fit for the digital age. The new Europass includes an innovative digital e-portfolio complementing the traditional Europass CV, offers information on qualifications, qualifications frameworks and learning opportunities at European level, provides information on skills intelligence and relevant national and European labour market data and hosts a technical infrastructure for digitally signed credentials.

Benefits of ESCO

Semantic assets such as ESCO play an important role in implementing the new Europass framework. Recital 17 of the Europass Decision states that “Following appropriate testing, and having due regard for the position of Member States, ESCO could be used by the Commission within the Europass framework; the use of ESCO by Member States is on a voluntary basis, following testing with, and evaluation by, the Member States. “

ESCO skills and occupations are used in the following ways:

  • In the Europass Profile, end-users can select an ESCO occupation or use free text to fill the field “occupation or position held” for a specific work experience. End-users can also select a language from the list of ESCO skills. 
  • In the My Skills section, end-users receive ESCO skills as skills suggestions to build their skills profile and they can also manually add ESCO skills.
  • In the My Interests section, end-users can specify what interests them in the form of interest tags. Next to free text, end-users benefit from controlled lists like ESCO occupations and skills to create interest tags. The interest tags will serve as one of the inputs to offer tailored course and job suggestions on the Dashboard. 


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