Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Engenheiros electrotécnicos
Concept overview
Electrical engineers conduct research and advise on, design and direct the construction and operation of electrical systems, components, motors and equipment, and advise on and direct their functioning, maintenance and repair, or study and advise on technological aspects of electrical engineering materials, products and processes.
Tasks include -
(a) advising on and designing power stations and systems which generate, transmit and distribute electrical power;
(b) supervising, controlling and monitoring the operation of electrical generation, transmission and distribution systems;
(c) advising on and designing systems for electrical motors, electrical traction and other equipment, or electrical domestic appliances;
(d) specifying electrical installation and application in industrial and other buildings and objects;
(e) establishing control standards and procedures to monitor performance and safety of electrical generating and distribution systems, motors and equipment;
(f) determining manufacturing methods for electrical systems, as well as maintenance and repair of existing electrical systems, motors and equipment.
Examples of the occupations classified here
- Electrical engineer
- Electric power generation engineer
- Electromechanical engineer
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Nuclear power generation engineer - 2149
- Electronics engineer - 2152
- Broadcast engineer - 2153
- Telecommunications engineers - 2153
Narrower occupations
Estatuto do conceito
URI do conceito