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Nosiči vody a sběrači palivového dříví



Water and firewood collectors collect water and firewood and transport them on foot or using hand or animal carts.
Tasks include -
(a) cutting and collecting wood from forests for sale in market or as fuel or for own consumption;
(b) visiting forests or fields to pick pieces of dried wood from the ground and arranging them in heaps;
(c) cutting decayed branches and trunks of trees using axes and hand-saws;
(d) tying collected wood into small faggots and carrying them or transporting them on a cart to the market for sale or to villages or households for use;
(e) drawing water from wells, rivers or ponds, etc. for domestic use;
(f) collecting water in leather bags, buckets or other containers from taps, rivers, ponds or wells, and delivering the water to work sites, the houses of clients or to own household for drinking, cleaning of drains or storage in tanks.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Firewood collector
- Water collector


URI konceptu

