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Spray painters and varnishers operate spray painting and varnishing equipment to apply protective coatings to manufactured items or structures.
Tasks include -
(a) preparing surfaces to be coated using a variety of methods to remove grease, dirt and rust;
(b) painting cars, buses, trucks and other vehicles, and applying varnish and other protective coatings;
(c) applying paint as well as protective coatings of enamel or varnish on metal, wooden and other manufactured products, usually with a hand-spraying device.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Manufactured articles painter
- Varnisher
- Vehicle painter
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Building painter - 7131
- Decorative painter - 7316
- Signwriter - 7316
- Wood treater - 7521
- Metal coating machine operator - 8122


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