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Κτηνοτρόφοι, για ίδια κατανάλωση



Subsistence livestock farmers breed, raise and tend livestock in order to provide food, shelter and, in some cases, a minimum of cash income for themselves and their households.
Tasks performed usually include: cultivating pastures or managing grazing lands, and monitoring feed and water supplies needed to maintain condition of livestock; monitoring and examining animals to detect illness, injury or disease, and to check physical condition; grooming and marking animals and shearing coats to collect hair or wool; herding or leading livestock to pastures, grazing land and water supplies; raising, tending, feeding and milking animals or draining blood from them; breeding animals and helping with animal births; slaughtering and skinning animals and preparing them and their products for consumption or sale; carrying out some processing of animal products; building and maintaining houses and other shelters; making tools, clothes and utensils for use by the household; fetching water and gathering firewood; buying, bartering and selling animals and some products.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
6320 Subsistence Livestock Farmer


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