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Nursing associate professionals





Nursing associate professionals provide basic nursing and personal care for people in need of such care due to effects of ageing, illness, injury, or other physical or mental impairment. They generally work under the supervision of, and in support of, implementation of health care, treatment and referrals plans established by medical, nursing and other health professionals.
Tasks include -
(a) providing nursing and personal care and treatment and health advice to patients according to care plans established by health professionals;
(b) administering medications and other treatments to patients, monitoring patients’ condition and responses to treatment, and referring patients and their families to a health professional for specialized care as needed;
(c) cleaning wounds and applying surgical dressings;
(d) updating information on patients’ condition and treatments received in record-keeping systems;
(e) assisting in planning and managing the care of individual patients;
(f) assisting in giving first-aid treatment in emergencies.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Assistant nurse
- Associate professional nurse
- Enrolled nurse
- Practical nurse
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Clinical nurse consultant - 2221
- Professional nurse - 2221
- Specialist nurse - 2221
- Professional midwife - 2222
- Associate professional midwife - 3222
- Nursing aide (clinic or hospital) - 5321
- Nursing aide (home) - 5322
The distinction between professional and associate professional nurses should be made on the basis of the nature of the work performed in relation to the tasks specified in this definition. The qualifications held by individuals or that predominate in the country are not the main factor in making this distinction, as training arrangements for nurses vary widely between countries and have varied over time within countries.

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