ESCO is the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, and Occupations. ESCO is part of the Europe 2020 strategy.
The ESCO classification identifies and categorises skills, competences, and occupations relevant for the EU labour market and education and training. It systematically shows the relationships between the different concepts.
Interested? You can learn more about what ESCO is by consulting these sections of the portal:
News & events
MELO: An Evaluation Benchmark for…Published:
Author(s): External Publications
Combined Unsupervised and Contrastive…Published:
Author(s): External Publications
Entity Linking in the Job Market DomainPublished:
Author(s): External Publications
JobBERT: Understanding Job Titles…Published:
Author(s): External Publications
ESCO is available in 28 languages, allowing jobseekers and employers to better communicate about skills, competences and occupations in any chosen European language. The aim of ESCO is to support job mobility across Europe and therefore a more integrated and efficient labour market, by offering a “common language” on occupations and skills that can be used by different stakeholders on employment and education and training topics.
Interested in using ESCO? The latest version can be downloaded or retrieved online through the ESCO services (API). Find out more: