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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

Open Data x Skills Hackathon 2024


ESCO participated in the Open Data x Skills Hackathon that was held on 24 and 25 October 2024 in Luxemburg. 

Hackathon Main Article

ESCO participated in the Open Data x Skills Hackathon that was held on 24 and 25 October 2024 in Luxemburg. 

The event was organised by the GovTech Lab in collaboration with the Information and Press Service (SIP) and the National Employment Agency (ADEM). Its aim was to develop innovative tools that leverage data from ADEM, ESCO, and Eurostat. 

The event allowed participants to familiarize themselves with the ESCO structure, ask questions, and better understand how to use ESCO. Over two days, 35 experts from various countries and sectors worked in teams to address employment challenges, using ESCO as one of the key resources. 

The tools and applications developed during the Open Data Hackathon x Skills can have a direct impact on how individuals access job opportunities, how companies recruit talent, and how educational systems prepare future workers. For instance, innovative applications include job matching platforms that suggest personalised career paths, or systems that help workers reskill based on market demands.  

Participants used ESCO to analyse in-demand skills, suggest pathways for career development and create tools that refine and tailor CVs to specific roles. Beyond coding, participants focused on creating user-friendly interfaces, including data visualisations like maps and networked bubbles, as well as a chatbot for refining job searches using ESCO skills. 

This event and its projects demonstrate ESCO’s value in driving innovation and addressing labour market challenges by using its data to connect skills, jobs and people across Europe. 

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