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Navigating the Landscape of Green Jobs

Green and Digital skills
Research papers
External Publications

Sébastien Vernède and Jean Trzcinski

Navigating the Landscape of Green Jobs

In response to the pressing challenges posed by climate change, businesses worldwide are embracing sustainability as a core principle to drive innovation and resilience. This shift towards eco-conscious practices should be correlated with the rise of Green Jobs - roles explicitly designed to reduce environmental impact while driving economic growth. However, the discrepancy between theoretical promises and tangible realities in the job market requires closer examination.   

Within the European Union (EU), while there’s no legal definition of green jobs, a taxonomy has been developed by the European Classification of Occupations, Skills and Competences to provide a multilingual framework on skills, competencies and occupations, including ones related to Green Jobs. This research relies on the ESCO framework v1.1. from the category “Green”.

This whitepaper examines Green Job prevalence in key sectors such as Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Retail & FMCG, and Transport & Logistics across Belgium, Canada, France, the Netherlands, and the United States, delving into the prevalence of Green Jobs adverts compared to other job ads, the importance of Green Skills, and the operationalization of green job advertising for employers.   


Read the full study: "Navigating the Landscape of Green Jobs"


This article contributes to the broader collection of external ESCO publications, showcasing the use of ESCO within various methodologies or its presentation in both European and International contexts. As ESCO becomes increasingly used in applications and research projects across Europe and beyond, it is valuable to collect such sources and share best practices by diverse stakeholders. Therefore, this collection of external publications strengthens the exchange of knowledge within the ESCO community and can contribute to mutual learning in the field of skills, occupations and qualifications among European and international actors. If you are interested in sharing your publication, please write to