Call for expression of interest in providing feedback to the ESCO-NACE crosswalk
ESCO Consultation

The ESCO Secretariat is inviting interested stakeholders to express their interest to provide feedback on the crosswalk between the ESCO occupations pillar and NACE (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community).
The ESCO-NACE crosswalk offers an alternative to the current structure of the ESCO occupation pillar based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). Each of the 3,039 ESCO occupations is mapped to at least one NACE category. The final mapping table resulted in a total of 4,632 mappings. This number shows that each ESCO occupation is mapped to around 1.5 NACE categories and, although multiple mappings are used, the ontological guideline to map ESCO to preferably only one NACE category is the most common mapping scenario. In addition, most of the mappings (i.e. 3,986/4,632) are made from ESCO occupations to NACE classes (the lowest hierarchical level of NACE categories).
The feedback will be gathered on the quality of the mappings to establish whether, based on your expertise, the ESCO occupations are relevant to the mapped NACE categories. To this end, the ESCO Secretariat is looking for feedback from organisations.
Target stakeholders
This call for interest is aiming to bring together stakeholders involved in labour market intelligence, particularly those specializing in statistical analysis. We welcome experts with experience in researching or applying NACE, as well as professionals from various sectors relevant to NACE. Officials from National Public Employment Services are also invited to share their knowledge and insights.
Providing your feedback
By sharing your insights, you will help improve the crosswalk’s quality, ensuring it aligns with the European labour market data and trends (i.e., occupations relevant for the NACE categories) and with this feedback we will make better for its final use among relevant stakeholders.
If you are interested, please fill in the survey by 20th January 2025.