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Midwifery associate professionals





Midwifery associate professionals provide basic health care and advice before, during and after pregnancy and childbirth. They implement care, treatment and referral plans usually established by medical, midwifery and other health professionals.
Tasks include -
(a) providing advice to women, families and communities on health, nutrition, hygiene, exercise, birth and emergency plans, breastfeeding, infant care, family planning and contraception, lifestyle and other topics related to pregnancy and childbirth;
(b) assessing progress during pregnancy and childbirth, and recognizing signs and symptoms requiring referral to a health professional;
(c) providing delivery care, usually only in the absence of identified potential complications, or assisting medical doctors or midwifery professionals with delivery care;
(d) providing care and support to women and newborns following childbirth, monitoring their health status, and identifying signs and symptoms requiring referral to a health professional.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Assistant midwife
- Traditional midwife
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Clinical nurse consultant - 2221
- Professional nurse - 2221
- Specialist nurse - 2221
- Professional midwife - 2222
- Birth assistant - 5321

This unit group includes occupations for which competent performance requires knowledge and skills in routine and emergency midwifery care acquired through formal or informal training. The criteria for inclusion of individuals in this unit group should be based on the nature of the work performed in relation to the tasks specified in this definition, and not the qualifications held by individuals or that predominate in the country. Traditional and lay midwives, who provide basic pregnancy and birthing care and advice based primarily on experience and knowledge acquired informally through the traditions and practices of the communities where they originated, are classified here.
Birth assistants, who provide emotional support and general care and advice to women and families during pregnancy and labour, are classified in Minor Group 532: Personal care workers in health services.

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