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Clasificación europea de capacidades/competencias, cualificaciones y ocupaciones (ESCO)
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Concept overview




Psychologists research into and study the mental processes and behaviour of human beings as individuals or in groups, and apply this knowledge to promote personal, social, educational or occupational adjustment and development.
Tasks include -
(a) planning and carrying out tests to measure mental, physical and other characteristics such as intelligence, abilities, aptitudes, potentialities, etc., interpreting and evaluating results, and providing advice;
(b) analysing the effect of heredity, social, occupational and other factors on individual thought and behaviour;
(c) conducting counselling or therapeutic interviews with individuals and groups and providing follow-up services;
(d) maintaining required contacts, such as those with family members, educational authorities or employers, and recommending possible solutions to, and treatment of, problems;
(e) studying psychological factors in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illnesses and emotional or personality disorders, and conferring with related professionals;
(f) preparing scholarly papers and reports;
(g) formulating achievement, diagnostic and predictive tests for use by teachers in planning methods and content of instruction;
(h) conducting surveys and research studies on job design, work groups, morale, motivation, supervision and management;
(i) developing theories, models and methods to interpret and describe human behaviour.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Clinical psychologist
- Educational psychologist
- Organizational psychologist
- Psychotherapist
- Sports psychologist
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Psychiatrist - 2212

Concept status
