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Social work and counselling is the study of the welfare needs of communities, specific groups and individuals and the appropriate ways of meeting these needs. The focus is on social welfare with emphasis on social policy and practice.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
Alcohol and drug abuse counselling
Alcohol, tobacco, drugs (knowledge about)
Crisis support
Family and marriage counselling
Mobbing and maltreatment (knowledge about)
Parole officer training
Probation officer training
Social policy
Social practice
Social theory (applied)
Social work (welfare)
Vocational counselling
Vocational guidance

=== Exclusions
Study of sociology and social science is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0314 'Sociology and cultural studies'.
Studies combining health care and social care (e.g. for old people) are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0913 'Nursing and midwifery'.

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