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Manœuvres de l’élevage



Livestock farm labourers perform simple and routine tasks in the farm production of animals, including poultry and insects.
Tasks include -
(a) digging and shovelling to clear ditches or for other purposes;
(b) loading and unloading supplies, produce and other materials;
(c) feeding, watering and cleaning animals and keeping their quarters clean;
(d) monitoring livestock and reporting on their condition;
(e) assisting with maintaining the health and welfare of livestock;
(f) assisting with herding, droving and separating livestock for milking, shearing, transportation or slaughter, and between pastures;
(g) collecting eggs and placing in incubators;
(h) raking, pitching, stacking and storing hay, straw and other types of animal feed and bedding;
(i) grading, sorting and packing produce into containers;
(j) performing minor repairs on fixtures, buildings, equipment and fences.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Livestock farm labourer
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Drover - 6121
- Shepherd - 6121
- Skilled farm worker (livestock) - 6121
- Firewood collector - 9624
- Water collector - 9624


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