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Aides de cuisine



Kitchen helpers clear tables, clean kitchen areas, wash dishes, prepare ingredients and perform other duties to assist workers who prepare or serve food and beverages.
Tasks include -
(a) cleaning kitchens, food preparation areas and service areas;
(b) assisting cooks and chefs in preparation of food by washing, peeling, chopping, cutting, measuring and mixing ingredients;
(c) assembling dishes for service;
(d) unpacking checking, transferring, weighing and storing supplies in refrigerators, cupboards and other storage areas;
(e) washing dishes and cooking utensils and putting them away;
(f) preparing, cooking, toasting and heating simple food items.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Hand dish washer
- Kitchen assistant
- Kitchen hand
- Kitchen porter
- Kitchen steward
- Pantry attendant
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Cook - 5120
- Fast food preparer - 9411


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