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Glavni i izvršni direktori/glavne i izvršne direktorice



Managing directors and chief executives formulate and review the policies, and plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities, of enterprises or organizations (except special-interest organizations and government departments) with the support of other managers, usually within guidelines established by a board of directors or a governing body to whom they are answerable for the operations undertaken and results.
Tasks performed usually include: planning, directing and coordinating the general functioning of an enterprise or organization; reviewing the operations and results of the enterprise or organization, and reporting to boards of directors and governing bodies; determining objectives, strategies, policies and programmes for the enterprise or organization; providing overall direction and management to organizations; establishing and managing budgets, controlling expenditure and ensuring the efficient use of resources; authorizing material, human and financial resources to implement organizational policies and programmes; monitoring and evaluating performance of the organization or enterprise against established objectives and policies; consulting with senior subordinate staff and reviewing recommendations and reports; representing the organization at official occasions, in negotiations and at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums; selecting or approving the selection of senior staff; ensuring the organization complies with relevant legislation and regulations.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit group:
1120 Managing Directors and Chief Executives

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