Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Vaisių, daržovių ir panašių produktų konservuotojai
Concept overview
Fruit, vegetable and related preservers process or preserve fruit, nuts and related foods in various ways including cooking, drying and salting, or juice or oil extraction.
Tasks include -
(a) extracting juices from various fruits;
(b) extracting oils from oil-bearing seeds, nuts or fruits;
(c) cooking, salting or drying fruit, vegetables and related foods;
(d) mixing and adding ingredients such as pectin, sugar, spices and vinegar to assist preservation and enhance texture, appearance and flavour;
(e) transferring preserved foods to sterile jars, bottles or other containers.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Chutney maker
- Fruit preserver
- Jam maker
- Oil expeller
- Vegetable and fruit pickler
- Vegetable preserver
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Canning machine operator - 8183
Koncepcijos būsena
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