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Toezichthoudend personeel in de mijnbouw





Mining supervisors oversee mining and quarrying operations and directly supervise and coordinate the activities of miners working in underground and surface mines and quarries.
Tasks include -
(a) supervising and coordinating the activities of workers who extract minerals and other natural deposits from the earth, and who operate underground conveyances or heavy equipment in surface mines and quarries;
(b) establishing methods to meet work schedules and recommending measures to mining managers to improve productivity;
(c) working with managerial and technical personnel, other departments and contractors to resolve operational problems and coordinate activities;
(d) providing reports and other information to mining managers about all aspects of mining or quarrying operations;
(e) determining staffing and material needs for the mine or quarry.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Mine deputy
- Mine supervisor
- Mine undermanager
- Quarry supervisor
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Mine manager - 1322
- Mine inspector - 3117
- Miner - 8111
- Quarrier - 8111

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