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Водачи на превозни средства с ръчно и педално задвижване и управление





Hand and pedal vehicle drivers propel cycles, hand carts and similar vehicles to deliver messages and transport passengers or goods.
Tasks include -
(a) loading and unloading goods, or assisting passengers in getting on or off a vehicle;
(b) moving vehicle in the desired direction with due regard to other traffic and traffic regulations;
(c) inspecting vehicle components to identify wear and damage;
(d) maintaining vehicle, making minor repairs and installing replacement parts;
(e) collecting fares or charges.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Bicycle courier
- Cycle rickshaw driver
- Pedal vehicle driver
- Rickshaw puller
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Bicycle racer - 3421
- Motorcyclist - 8321

URI на понятието

URI на понятието
